Time for an update

Dear Foapers,

It’s finally time for an update. As you have surely noticed, some of our services have been experiencing errors and slow response times. The huge amount of new users joining Foap at the same time last week knocked us down. Pang!

Therefore, during the biggest peaks in traffic we chose to disable some non-essential services in order to focus on Foap’s core functionality. Services that were temporarily disabled include:

  • Photo search
  • Top rated photos
  • Notification-feeds
  • Emails and pushes

But for a few exceptions, all of these have little by little been reenabled (yeah!). Most of the affected services have been improved to avoid these kinds of interruptions happening again. We’ve rebuilt the grounds. Emails and push notifications for new ratings are still disabled, while we figure out some way of improving that feature.

Some of you may also have noticed looooonger than usual times for a photo to make it through the review process. We’ve been working on a fix to this. No photos have been lost. There is no limbo. Each photo is patiently waiting to be rated, longing for freedom at the Foap Market and then somewhere in the advertisement world. All photos will be reviewed. We’ve been preparing solutions that will improve this experience within the week. Just wait a little more. Photos being uploaded  now are getting reviewed fast but please, avoid uploading the same photo again, as this will increase pressure on the review system.

Ah! If you’re a new user there is a big chance that you have been seen someone else’s profile photo on your profile. This bug is really annoying, but simple. Your account hasn’t been hacked or something. We’ve already sent a new update of the app to the App Store with a fix to this and it will be available within some days. Soon you’ll see your own photo there and not some random person.

Thank you so much for your patience! The art of coding is as almost as challenging as the art of photography 😉

We’re getting back stronger and are looking forward to delivering an even better Foap experience going forward.

Keep in touch!


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