@DuyumDulom: “I’m one of those guys from a small village who got caught up in chasing big dreams.”

Duyum, who are you, where are you from, where do you live, what do you when you’re not on Foap? I come from a small village in the northeast region of India. We’re a tribal

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@cabday: “How many colorful jackets can you count on a regular day in town?”

Sussi, first of all, why “cabday”? Where did the idea for your username come from? The name cabday just came to me when I first looked at my photos in my iPhone when I was

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@catblack10: “I never saw a thing until I bought a camera.”

I want to start off by quoting your description on your profile because I think its a very neat quote for anyone interested in photography: “I never saw a thing until I bought a camera.”

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@ohayman: A fashion photographer on Foap.

We caught up with Oren Hayman, an Isreali, self-taught fashion and beauty photographer and an avid Foaper. We loved his profile and we were curious of the appeal Foap had to a pro fashion photographer.

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Vanishing Point Photo Mission: A run for your money!

We launched the Vanishing Point mission quite some time ago. And while we waited for this finale, your amazing photos just kept rolling in. In tens, hundreds and then thousands, until time was up and

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Are you on Android? Then read this!

This is a special message for you Foapers who are using the Android app version 2.2.4 and less: Update to the 2.3.0 version and get new improvements! How to do this? Easy! 1. Using your

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Foaping on the road

I’ve never been to California and I’ve never camped in a trailer. I’ve got to change. Indeed, Foaper girlinsilver’s photo above inspires me to go out there and explore the unknown. Yesterday, when this photo

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Foaping from the train

Recently, SJ, a government-owned passenger train operator in Sweden run 2 missions on Foap. Lots of beautiful images were submitted. Today we will though focus on a special photographer, rather than on a photo. Ladies and

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When location matters

Last Friday I got a really nice push on my phone: “Congratulations, you’ve just sold a photo”. My Friday tiredness disappeared in an instant. Extremely happy and curious I opened my Foap to see which

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Aloha Foapers!

What comes to your mind when you think about Hawaii? Probably you thought about surf, summer, beaches, beautiful nature and a coconut drink. Sure! But you are missing at least something: Foapers! 🙂 Foap is

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