They are the sheriffs, tireless contributors of amazing photos and good spirits of Foap. A couple about which you hear from day one once joining the Foap Team. Today, we are thrilled to be publishing
How I like to be photographed – tips from Gonzo the super-dog
People usually love to photograph me – this is not a surprise. The problem is that they don’t really know how to do it to show the real me. They make it super boring or
Fun & Crazy at the Beach – The Finalists
Volvo Group & Foap: Together we do beautiful things
Under the last months, The Volvo Group has been running several Foap missions : I’m rolling, At the Ocean, I’m a commuter and Safety to you. If you think for a second about these missions, you’ll
The Finalists of the “Write down ‘I love you'” mission
We celebrated Valentine’s Day last Saturday. On Foap, however, love is always in the air. Ladies and gentlemen, we have the finalists of the “Write down ‘I love you’” mission. Out of the 1895 approved
Meet Kayla Ross, the winner of Hyatt’s “I love free Wi-Fi” mission
Excitement! Joy! Happiness! This photo has just been chosen by Hyatt as the winner of the “I love free Wi-Fi” mission. So much fun! Now let us introduce you to the winner. Foapers, meet Kayla Ross (@ohhkay11)
Foapers: Meet Jordi Flores, the winner of the “I’m a commuter” mission
Hello Foapers, Yesterday we announced the winner of Volvo Group’s “I’m a commuter” mission: Jordi Flores (@zhas). Today we will learn more about Jordi, who is always capturing beautiful moments, “because life goes too fast.”
The winner of the “I’m a commuter” mission
Hello Foapers, Volvo Group’s “I’m a commuter” mission ended last week. Foapers from more than 60 countries showed us how their daily commuting looks like. Beautiful moments, great scenes, amazing stories. Almost 2700 photos were submitted
The finalists of the Winter Wonderland Mission
Hello Foapers, Today we are announcing the finalists in the Winter Wonderland Mission. Almost 8000 photos were submitted and of those, 5950 got approved. We’ve gone through each one of them, one by one. Due
Meet Anna Lyn, the winner of the “My Dear Snowman” mission
“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” – that’s how she describes her feelings after winning the My Dear Snowman Mission. Indeed, we at Foap couldn’t find a better word to describe her photo either (thank you Marry Poppins!) This photo