A lovely story behind a photo – by foaper Michael Brennan

I’d like to thank foaper Michael Brennan (1697berwynrd on Foap) for being our guest blogger today. Here he shares a splendid story not only about a particular photo, but also on his interesting way to photography. Everything started with moles in his garden =) Good reading!

My favorite photo I have submitted to Foap does not stand out, and won’t invoke oohs and aahs. On first viewing it would register nice and maybe rate a three tops. It’s a five to me because its why I started to take photographs.

I am a landscape designer by profession and have extensive gardens of my own to maintain. I was having trouble with moles, voles, rabbits eating my precious plants, and not wanting to use chemicals thought a barn cat would be the perfect solution. Never having a cat before, only dogs, I thought the cat could live in the barn and be a part of the family, but from a distance.

A friend with a farm over run with cats said she would bring two to me. She could only catch one, and when leaving announced, ” she might be pregnant”. She was and five kittens were now also ours. Kittens demand to be photographed, so I picked up a camera to start my documentation.

Being outside most of the time the cats would follow me everywhere. We found homes for two of the kittens, and soon exploring and walking become a daily event for our new family, Belle the mother and her three babies, and me with my camera.

I came late to using a computer, cell phone and photography. I am not a member of online social networks except for Foap. I one day Googled ” how to make money from your photographs”, and all the Foap info came up. I have published over 300 photos and not sold one, but that is not what being part of this group means to me. I have loved the community I encounter with Foap.

Seeing the world through photography is such a great education. In my mind I have trips planned to Sweden, Australia, South Africa, etc. etc. I have even encountered photos taken five miles from my house of landscapes I had no idea existed!

Cat family, outing, walking are some of the tags. This photo shows four cats exploring a winter world. Belle stands guard guiding her offspring into their new terrain. Who knew you could take cats for a walk, but more importantly that they could open up so much in me.


Photo by Michael Brennan


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