Meet Devon Pendleton: The winner of “People enjoying Spring” Mission

Hello Foapers!

We hope you’re enjoying Spring as we are! For Foaper Devon Pendleton (@devon-pendletonthis Spring will be unforgettable.

Why? Because she is the winner of the “People Enjoying Spring” Mission. More than 7000 photos were submitted so she had a very tough competition!

First of all congratulations on winning the Mission, Devon! Among so many photos your photo is the winner! The feeling of winning the Mission must be great. Can you tell us something about how you reacted when you got know that you’d won?

Thank you so much! There were so many amazing pictures, I just can’t believe that I really won! I never win anything, haha!


Your winning photo is really amazing! We love it because it’s so natural and sweet. Could you share with us the story behind it?

The picture was taken on Easter! My daughter Riley invited our best friends over for a cook out and Easter egg hunt. Riley & Chanel were just blowing bubbles in each other’s faces and having a blast. As they were doing that and laughing hysterically, I just was snapping pictures! It wouldn’t have turned out so great if the girls weren’t so awesome!

Who is Foaper Devon? We’d love to get to know your better 🙂

I am a 22 year old mom of one beautiful little 4 year old girl and a wife to my awesome husband, they both make my days so much brighter. We live in a small town near Athens, Georgia in a little brick house on a huge field, I love my wide open spaces! I enjoy photography so much that I started my own small photography company! Although my my favorite thing to photograph is my daughter (If you couldn’t tell already. Haha!). I enjoy cooking, being outdoors, Instagram, playing with my daughter and just spending as much time as possible with the ones who matter most to me.


You take many shots of your daughter. How do you think mobile photography changes photo snapping of the everyday life moments our kids lives?

I think it’s great that we have mobile devices that we can just whip out of our pockets and snap a quick picture of our children. I feel like there is way more pictures taken now than when there were only cameras. But with that comes risk and you need to be able to recognize when it’s time to put away the phone so you don’t end up watching your children grow up through the screen on your phone.


How did your interest in photography start and how did you become a Foaper?

I’ve actually loved photography during my whole life! My Papa gave me a digital camera when they first became a thing, and that little camera was my favorite toy. I used to take pictures from the time I woke up to the time I went to sleep & would show my parents what I had captured and they always said that I had an eye to catch some pretty cool things on a camera. I became a Foaper thanks to my best friend Catherine! Ever since she told me to download it and check it out, I was hooked!


Which photo in your Foap portfolio is your daughter’s favourite photo?

Riley loves all the pictures, but her favorite is definitely any picture with her and Chanel together, especially the winning photo because she’s got her best friend AND a snow cone! What more can a girl want?


Thank you Devon! It’s great to get to know you better. Once again, a huge conratulations on winning the Mission!

It’s also so amazing to hear that you and Foaper @catherine.douma (who has been on our blog before) are best friends!

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