How are winners chosen?

by @djmon1que on Foap

Have you ever wondered how winning photos are chosen? Well, keep on reading.

▪️In branded missions, the winners are chosen by the brand regardless of their needs.
▪️In the Foap Missions, the Foap Curation Team chooses the winners.

How does Foap Team choose the winners?

▪️We (real people, not an algorithm) are going through ALL of the uploaded photos to choose the best shots.
▪️The most important is how well the photo matches the mission brief.
▪️The second most important is technical quality – is it sharp, bright enough, etc.? (Check out photography tips for beginners)
▪️Creativity and overall aesthetics can make the photo win.
▪️We prefer authentic shots: avoid using unnatural filters and settings.
▪️If there are many good photos and we’re not sure which ones should win, we allow the number of votes and overall rating to decide.

What can I do to get more votes and higher rates?

▪️Follow users you like. Then they can follow you back, and then they will see your photos in their newsfeed.
▪️Vote on photos you like. Many users will want to give back by rating your photos.
▪️Communicate with other users in the comments, and share your opinion and ideas on creating the best content.
▪️And most importantly, remember to be kind!

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  1. 1

    So average photo rating is not important? If there will be 2 photos with the same number of votes but #1 will be 4.9 and #2 will be 3.0 what will you do? Which photo will you choose?

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      This is very unlikely, but if it does happen, the Foap Curation team will still NOT take into account the rating. We believe that this way, no one will want to rate other people’s photos low to increase their own chances of winning.

  2. 3

    Ho foap team I sent email regarding the money I withdraw but still it’s processing. Your foap team promise me to receive it in October 1,2021 but it’s still October 4 now I don’t receive payment.

  3. 9

    99% of the time when i want to use FOAP app message “Sorry, our server having problems. Please try again later” appears. No chance to leave a comment, rate somebody’s picture or even check your own profile/photos. I feel left out! Please fix this issue.
    P.S. I am located n Canada

  4. 11

    I used to enjoy photographing for Foap as I knew the panel who chooses winners and winning photos choices are based on whose photos met the brief and were well executed.

    However, it is clear from the last few missions winners that winning photos are selected based on who has the most friends, not who has the best photo.

    This means if you don’t have enough Facebook/Instagram/foap friends, you don’t have a chance off winning. Which, for me, no point to then enter the mission as I photograph for the love of creating for the mission, but unfortunately I don’t have enough friends to help me win.

    I am sad that you decided to change the way you select winners.

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      Hi Liza, maybe we were not precise in some of our communication, but you don’t need to worry. The number of votes is just a factor to be considered by our Curation Team. They will still go through all the photos and only photos matched with a brief can win. They still will choose photos that will win the mission, but if they will have any doubts, they will choose a photo with more votes. Is it possible that photos with no votes will win? Yes, it is if it will be with no doubts the best one 🙂

      If you want to get more votes you don’t need to look for friends in other places, just vote for others’ photos on Foap, comment and be kind, and these Foapers will also want to make you the same, as Jennifer noted below. This way you will not only get votes, but also you’ll find other awesome photographers, and you will be able to learn from each other.

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      I agree, many times there is no logic to which photos that get high scores, the photos can be really bad but still have high scores.

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        Hi Christina, I totally understand your point. That’s why ultimately the photos are chosen by the Foap Curation Team, based on their quality, and taking into account the number of votes and rating as just one of the factors 🙂 So keep voting and good luck!

  5. 20

    Please clarify, how do the fotos if you’re in the missions? I have sent a request to your support but did not receive any help. I uploaded photos to the missions: “welcome to foap” and “portrait of a plant”, but my photos remained only on the tab “ALL” and never appeared on the tab “ACCEPTED”. Neither I see my photos on the mission’s page. How can I be sure that photos that I uploaded are being considered and seen by other users for rating and by foap team for judging? Very frustrated about all that. Thanks in advance for your answer. Anna

    • 21

      Thank you for this comment, Anna. Our support provides answers to most of the questions within 24 hours (Mon-Fri). Can you provide your ticket ID? We will check what happened with the answer.

      About your question …

      All photos uploaded by you to a mission, are visible in the “All” tab in the “My Photos” section. If you see photos here it means that our Curation Team / Brand can also see them.

      When a Brand is creating a mission, they can decide will all uploaded photos be visible to all users, or only photos chosen by them. If they will choose the second option, you will see chosen photos in the “Accepted” tab, and only accepted photos will be visible to the others and available for voting.


      All photos published in Premium Missions and in missions created by “Foap Missions” do NOT need to be accepted. All photos there are visible just after you upload them. Even if there are no photos in the “Accepted” tab.”

      If you want to check it by yourself, go to the mission where you uploaded photos, touch the “Photos” link (NO “My Photos”), and check the “Submitted” tab. All Photos visible in the Submitted tab are visible to all users.

      I understand that this “Accepted” tab can be misleading and I’m sorry for that, we will try to improve this in the future. Please let me know if there is anything not clear here.

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    Hi, there was an interesting post on the Facebook page from a Foap user regarding how winners are chosen, I’ve also commented on it to, so it would be good if your team could check that out
    Also I’d like to know more about how photos are accepted on non-premium mission. I recently won a reward in the true photos/true nature mission and while I’m not complaining about the win, it was even the best or highest rated photo I had submitted, let alone other people! So I would be interested in what leads to a photo being rejected from the mission. Likewise in the recent Portrait of a Plant mission, so far only one of my images has been accepted as yet, again I am not sure what makes that photo more suitable to qualify than any of the others. So a blog post on why some photos are not accepted would be helpful

  7. 31

    I agree with Liza., and thanks, Marie for posting the link for my comment. I am reposting it here:

    Most of us would rate somebody’s photos just to return the favor and not really because they are, as you state, “the photos you like best.” This is simply a human tendency: “You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours” or “You rate me with 5 stars, and I’ll rate you with 5 stars.”

    Some rate other photos because they have become friends in Foap, and I like it when people become friends here. I like the idea of being kind to one another and the sense of community. However, these ratings are no longer objective, but quickly become very subjective based on friendship or favors.

    What about other Foapers who don’t have all the time to sit down and just rate everyone’s photos, but submit great and creative shots resulting in having very few votes? Each one of us has other priorities in life beyond rating hundreds of photos, in addition to watching all your ads! Therefore, this rule is really *not fair* as you mention here, and actually does result in some having “an unfair advantage.”

    I enjoy Foap and I love participating in all your missions. I still prefer the original rules even though I know that it’s really hard to win. I also assume that you have a very experienced and professional Curation Team in Foap which I would rather trust than most of us who start as amateur newbies

    I really don’t believe in running a *popularity contest* which is very subjective and definitely biased as you “want to include us in helping you choose the winners.” as it is based on “more ratings” via those who like us and rate us in return.

    I have a practical suggestion that would truly make the Foap Missions “a more fair way than the Creators Awards” and make a level playing field:

    Just allow a Foaper to cast his/her vote on each photo once (from *already curated photos* by the Foap Curation Team) after matching the brief guidelines and quality standards of the photos, and without the names of the photographers attached, to avoid bias and favoritism. Only then, I believe, “the process” will be truly fair and avoid “anyone having an unfair advantage.”

    I agree with you that promoting community and kindness in this platform is a good idea (which is already happening, I believe, even before this new rule). Just separate this from the voting process to promote a genuinely healthy competition.

    • 32

      This detailed feedback is absolutely awesome. Thank you, Jennifer, a lot!

      I love what you’ve said about creating friends and community on Foap, and actually, this is the most important of our goals behind this voting thing.

      I’m thrilled that some of Foapers trust our Curation Team so much that they want us to make 100% decisions about who wins missions, but there were in the past some suggestions from other Foapers that “the Curation Team is choosing always the same people” and we’re listening to feedback from all Foapers, and this is another reason why we’re changing how winners are chosen.

      To be clear, please let me highlight what Maria’s wrote in her blog post:

      For now, the number of votes is just a factor to be considered by our Curation Team when they choosing the winners from photos matched with a brief. Is it possible that the mission will be won by photo with no votes? Yes, it is.

      So no one needs to worry that if you have no votes and you’re not well known in Foap you can’t win. Yes, you can.

      We’re listening to your feedback, and we want you all, Foapers, to play a role in the Foap Community. If you have any ideas on how to make it happen – we’re open to discussion.

      • 33

        Oh, finally I see my comment here and I appreciate your reply. Well, if this is true (that is, you also consider low votes with great photos), then I may participate again in missions. I have been putting a lot of my time already into Foap, and adding a new rule of voting would consume even more precious time. Watching ads is already extremely time-consuming just to submit an entry, so I feel that it is unfair that such precious time is a wasted and ones efforts futile as he/she would only be voted out just because he/she cannot return all the favors. I’m glad Foap is listening and trying to improve.

        • 34

          Actually, I have proof! 😀 One of the photos that won the recent “Color: Red” mission, the one from calvin_de_fotografia, currently has 281 votes (awarding a photo makes it popular), but only had 7 votes at the time of the award.

          I understand you completely, Jennifer and I am so glad that you are coming back to our missions, it made my Monday better. Thx! 🙂

  8. 35

    Hi, I’ve sold pics on bad quests for a while now and I’m not seeing anything anymore… I’m always reviewing colleagues’ pics and making great comments on their pics, please want to sell

  9. 36

    FOAP FOAP of my heart Changes this way winning photos are those with the most votes, but choose the most beautiful and creative photos.

    • 37

      Hi Daniele, Thank you for being so committed to our community! We love seeing your comments on Instagram and within the app ?
      As we mentioned in the blog post, we still choose the best and most creative photos. Just in some cases we might take the number of votes into consideration, but our curation team still makes the choices based on the quality of the photo, so no need to worry.
      Keep posting your best photos and good luck!

  10. 38

    hi even though i didn’t win missions with high payout i won’t give up! I keep evaluating and commenting until I win a mission! I will do it!

  11. 39

    I’m new here. I’m still trying to figure out how you get votes? I have liked others photos and put my photos on Facebook. I don’t use the other sites that’s on this list. So how are you supposed to get noticed? I just did a huge job for a company, I’m wanting to take this very seriously and not sure how to go about getting my photos out there for others to view them and see if I even have a eye for what I’m trying to pursue. So needed feedback is necessary in these photos so we know what exactly you are looking for and if what I’m posting is close. Thanks again!!

    • 40

      Hi Stephanie! Thanks so much for your comment. The photos you upload to missions are available for others to see and rate within the Foap app. Just open Foap on your phone, click on a mission and choose “Photos” tab. You can rate the photos using stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and comment on them. Upload your photos to missions so others can do the same for you! Good luck ?

      • 41

        When I hit the “photo” tab to rate photos it never works. I’m on an iPad Pro. Would love to gain access. Thanks!

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    I am uploading photos on missions since I have joined foap but it never comes in section. I just want to know why it is happening? Can you please let me know?

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      Hi Himu, I’m assuming that you mean the “Accepted” section. This section is only relevant for Premium Missions, otherwise, even if no photos show up, they are still seen by other users and the curation team and are being considered for rewards. So don’t worry and good luck in missions!

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      Hi Sandra! Thanks for your comment. Once you submit your photos to the mission they are automatically taking part in the mission. When the mission is over, our curation team goes through the photos to check if they match the brief. If your photos match the brief they will be approved and then can be considered for rewards.
      I hope this helps. Good luck!?

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      Hi Tatiana! I’m assuming that you mean the “Accepted” section. This section is only relevant for Premium Missions, but otherwise, even if no photos show up, they are still seen by other users and the curation team and are being considered for rewards. So don’t worry and good luck in missions!

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    hi foap, why doesn’t my photo following the mission appear in the submitted column, it doesn’t also appear in the accepted column.

    • 54

      Hi Argo! The accepted section is only relevant for Premium Missions, but otherwise, even if no photos show up as “accepted”, they are still seen by other users and the curation team and are being considered for rewards. Sometimes a photo might not be accepted if it doesn’t match the mission brief. So remember to read the mission descriptions carefully and keep uploading! Good luck?

  19. 55

    Hello Foap Community Photographers here sending a message of success and healthy new year 2022 I am new here please follow me I will follow you appreciated Foap main team support God Blessings and happy holidays hopefully works for the best Photos if 2022 ???

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      Hi Veronica! Voting is really easy. All you need to do is to open the Submitted Tab in any mission, click on the photos and choose the rating on the stars at the bottom of the screen. Good luck!

  21. 58

    I’m new here and have no followers. How does one get seen? I take great photos but having no followers will disqualify me of winning a mission?

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      Hi Maddy! Having no followers will never disqualify you from winning missions, this is not something you need to worry about. We do however take number of votes into account in some particular cases, so having votes might be helpful. The easiest way to get votest is to vote and comment on other users’ photos. I hope this helps. Good luck!

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    I think it’s better for the show u r talent for photographers and the main thing is money earn is there. It’s good… But I’m use this at first time and i feel good on this app also join an of first time..

  24. 65

    Hello, I joined Foap because I thought one could sell IPhone pictures and win missions. Thus far most winners I see are working with proper cameras. Do you have statistics of the winners, how many are using cameras versus iPhones? I’m just wondering if this is worth my time since I only have my iPhone.

    • 66

      Hi Ale! Thank you for your comment. iPhone cameras are great and we encourage you to keep joining missions with photos from your phone. However, to win a mission, the photo needs to meet the conditions from the brief and be of good quality. You have to be mindful of the subejct you’re photographing, the framing, focus and lighting. If your iPhone photos meet those requirements, they are definitely winner material!

      Keep on uploading and good luck!

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      Hi Brandy! Thanks for your question. All you need to do is to open the Foap app, go to the “Missions” tab and click the “Joined” tab on the top. I hope this helps! Good luck!

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      Hi there! Each mission you see on Foap is created and run by a certain brand, either our own brand – Foap Missions, or an outside brand, like for example a bevarage company or a cosmetics company. Brands create the mission briefs and later choose the photos they want to reward or purchase. I hope this makes it clear for you 🙂 Good luck!

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    Hi, I have read the comments about photos not being seen in the Accepted screen. I have entered some really nice winter photos in the Winter Sport by Foap mission. If I understand things correctly the photos will not be seen in the Accepted screen since all photos will be part of the mission if it is a Foap mission. If what I write is correct I find it confusing that 2 of my photos are visible on the Accepted side but not the other ones.

    • 78

      Hi Christina! Thanks for your question. The process of accepting photos is done manually by our Curation Team and might take up to a week. This means that some of your photos might appear in the “Accepted” tab in your profile sooner than others. This is nothing to worry about. If your photos don’t break any rules they should all be visible in the mission as soon as you upload, and will surely be accepted in the upcoming days. I hope this helps 🙂

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    I believe in the judges’ decision, but on the tips for interacting with other users in the comments, I hope the foap team can facilitate interaction by maximizing user tagging,

    • 87

      Thank you for this suggestion, @Rmb! For now, you can tag the author and other people who commented. We will check possibilities to make tagging other users available and think about the pros and cons of this functionality.

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    I think all of us can win in this competition. But winner will be better, smarter and more strive. Best photo is good content and quality.

  43. 98

    I think the selection process is kinda fair but I would appreciate it if the winners are mostly selected based on the quality of photo and not based on rating

    • 99

      Hi Igilar! Our curation team chooses winners based on consistency with the brief and overall quality, ratings are super helpful in making tough decisions between so many beautiful pictures we encounter in each mission. 🙂

  44. 100

    Hi Christina, I totally understand your point. That’s why ultimately the photos are chosen by the Foap Curation Team, based on their quality, and taking into account the number of votes and rating as just one of the factors ? So keep voting and good luck!

  45. 101

    I am really excited to be here. The way you pick the winners is admirable! I am really feeling this app so far! Cannot wait to experience more!

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    Hi, I received confirmation that I won photo of the week. Editors choice photo. But I don’t see my photo anywhere.

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    I’ve made a withdrawal of $100 but never logged in until now my money is reduced but my Paypal is empty please refund me to my account or my email

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    I’m a new member,I already completed a mission and rewarded. My foap experience ,is something I enjoy as a hobby ;viewing & illustrating -mind taking photos;an making extra cash. So Gratitude for FOAP’S app, who knows maybe this experience will manifest a “Successful International Photographer.”

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