New Iced Coffee and Iced Tea Mission with Condé Nast

Hello Foapers!

Join Condé Nast’s new Mission, Chill your summer with iced tea and coffee, and share your pictures of you and your friends chilling out with iced coffee or tea.

The Mission

The heat of summer calls for refreshment. Show us how you and your friends love to kick back and chill out with iced coffee or iced tea. At the beach, in the pool, hanging out with your friends on the porch or patio, at a backyard barbeque, or holding a picnic in a summer meadow. The iced drinks should be a naturally incorporated focal point of your photos, and showed served in pitchers or glasses that are free of brand names and labels.

Join now in the Foap app!

Don’t know how to join the mission? It’s easy! Download the Foap app for free on the App Store or Google Play.

To get the app follow one of the links below:

I’m an iPhone user.

I’m an Android user.


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