Buyer Q&A: Sean, Digital Marketing Specialist, W.F. Young

We are starting a new series of posts. Q&As with our photo buyers. In the last couple of weeks, we’ve started meeting the most active and prolific Foapers. Now its time to meet the people who represent the other side of the Foap equation: the photo buyers. We want to know how they found out about Foap, where Foap photos are used and all other things related to Foap from a marketer’s/buyer’s perspective.

Our first Q&A in this series is with Sean, Digital Marketing Specialist at W.F. Young, a leading brand of horse and petcare products.

Sean, thanks for your time to do this. First off, we are always curious about how you found out about Foap.

I first heard of Foap in a newsletter from the marketing technology site and was immediately intrigued.

What convinced you to Foap it (we’re trying to make Foap a verb ;))?

three dogs absorbine (Click on the image to see original photo.)

Once I understood the concept, it was an easy decision to start Foaping. With the landscape of digital marketing shifting towards high-frequency, quality content, marketers have a bottomless thirst for this type of content. Foap’s community-based structure allows for quality photos at $10 for each photo. This low cost of entry allows me to purchase the volume of photos I need to make W. F. Young’s multiple social media sites vibrant and relevant, without requiring me to be out of the office taking pictures of animals all day. It really came down to price and the quality of content that made me want to Foap! You just don’t need expensive, exclusive-rights images for every social media piece you do. Foap is the only service I’ve found that solves the marketer’s media dilemma.

How did you find the pictures on Foap and how were they used?

fb dog forest (Click on the image to see original photo.)

The moment I did my first search on Foap I realized the power of this site. You could search for specific topics and get back multiple pages of diverse imagery. For my pet site for example, this allows me to communicate information about specific dog breeds or health care topics with attractive imagery. Imagery equals currency on social media, and I’m able to find creative shots that illustrate my topic for that day. I have to say that I really like knowing that the amateur photographer is also getting paid each time I purchase. This allows for a grassroots, community-based experience.

absorbine horses fb
(Click on the image to see original photo.)

Sean, thanks for your time!


Are you a Foap buyer and would like to share your experience with us? Drop me a line at


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