Top Users on Getty Images Missions

Update 10th of October 2016: Foapers! Today we announce the Getty Missions Competition Winners! Some users were “disqualified” because of breaking some rules that we had. So the winners are:

1st place: ettadallas with 69 pictures and gets $200!

2nd place: russell.kay with 62 pictures and gets $150!

3rd place: julieweiss10 with 52 pictures and gets $100!
Congratulations to the winners!


Update 4th October 2016: We are in the process of checking the winners and making sure everything is in order before we announce the finalists! This process will take some time so please be patient 🙂


Hi Foaper! Here you can follow everyday the progress of the Top 10 users with the highest number of APPROVED photos to Getty Images Missions – from September 9th to September 30th. Exciting, right? 🙂
Want to see how to take part in the Getty Competition? Click here!

Remember! The Prizes are:

First place: $250

Second place: $150

Third place: $100


  1. ettadallas 69
  2. russell.kay 62
  3. julieweiss10  52
  4. loskyt7 40
  5. chemfifi 37
  6. rbenigno 37
  7. daniellebhogan 36
  8. bazzakuda 33
  9. maryalice.vega 33
  10. djmon1que 31

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