Whirlpool has a Mission for you: Every Chore is an Act of Love!

Hello Foapers,

Whirlpool has a Mission for you! Every Chore is an Act of Love. They would love to see real and authentic moments where you capture how much we care about our loved ones, like the small sacrifices we do everyday that no one but ourselves can see. See details in the Mission description. The top 3 photos will be rewarded with $250 each! Capture the moment and join the Mission now in the Foap app.



We are looking for authentic photos that show people enduring real, gritty, not-so- pretty moments while caring for the ones they love;

Folding the laundry, exhausted, at 2am.

Burning the cookies you made for your daughter’s soccer team. Cleaning your son’s puke off a favorite shirt.

We want to see the tiring, sad, boring, gross, frustrating moments people bear in while cooking, cleaning, and washing.

It needs to feel authentic. It needs to convey sacrifice. And it needs to be beautifully- crafted photography.

We would also love for you to include a few sentences about why this moment is beautiful in your eyes.

Please avoid company logos where possible.


Example photos

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Join now in the Foap app!

Don’t know how to join the Mission? It’s easy! Download the Foap app on the App Store or Google Play.

To get the app follow one of the links below:

I’m an iPhone user.
I’m an Android user.

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