Happy Easter Foaper!
Ops… Sorry… Easter was last week… 🙂
But we’re bringing Easter back!
Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve the finalists of the “Easter traditions” Mission. Lots of the photos submitted to Mission are truly amazing and it’s been a huge challenge to select only 20 of them. We’ve divided the finalists into the following 5 categories: “Decorative eggs”,” Easter recipes”, “Egg hunting”, “Easter bunnies” and “People enjoying Easter”.
Big congratulations to those who have made it to the final. You guys rock!
The lucky winner will be announced in a couple of days. Stay tunned! Happy Easter! Ops…
Decorative eggs
Easter eggs basket taken by @lifeisafairytale from Japan.
Easter colored eggs taken by Susanne Hegbart (@susanne_hegbartfdtho) from Sweden.
Easter eggs taken by Jacquelyn Nicolay (@jenicolay) from Rochester, US.
Kiddos dying their eggs for Easter by Brandy Burg (@bcat23) from US.
Easter Recipes
Cupcakes taken by Kristina Nedeoglo (@kristina_nedeoglo).
Easter, taken by Agnieszka Werner (@agawer) from Gdansk, Poland.
Potato pancakes on white plate by Tatiana Shumbasova (@thayra) from Lviv, Ukraine.
Egg hunting
Easter Egg Hunt Begins taken by Luisa Marques (@luisamarq) from Boca Raton, US.
So many eggs, taken by Julie Sullivan (@poor_you) from Geneseo, US.
Easter egg hunt, taken by Viktoryia Ivakhov (@vic2015) from Auburn, US.
Egg hunting, taken by Julie Sullivan (@poor_you) from Geneseo, US.
Easter bunnies
Pumpkin the Easter Golden Bunny taken by @sdk from Lititz, US.
Bunny Pancakes taken by Catherine Douma (@catherine.douma) from Atlanta, US.
Easter girl bunnies taken by Tamara Meadows (@tamarameadowsrn) from Edmond, US.
The Bunny, taken by Anna Rinehart (@anna_b_rinehart) from Cheney, US.
People enjoying Easter traditions
Easter traditions taken by Sussi Alfredsson (@cabday) from Malmö, Sweden.
Happy girl in the crowd colour me rad by Debbie Cundy (@debbie.cundy) from Cairns, Australia.
Easter traditions taken by Paula Manzanares (@paumanzanares) from Madrid, Spain.
Easter eggs taken by Jeremy Coble (@jeremy_coble_7) from US.
Easter egg hunt Debbie Cundy (@debbie.cundy) from Cairns, Australia.