VisitSweden need your Swedish Moments!

Hello everybody! Have you ever been to Sweden? Or perhaps you live there? VisitSweden need your photos as soon as possible. They run a mission right now called Swedish Moment where they want to gather all

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LoveThisCity by MasterCard

MasterCard has a new mission for you – LoveThisCity. Remember – even if you live on the countryside, you’ve probably been in a city spending time. Have you ever captured the rain when it starts to

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How to rate photos

Can you tell the difference between a likable and sellable photo? In a world full of Instagram and Facebook photos, it’s easy to get distracted – what photos should I rate high and low in

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Upload your Christmas photos right now

Remember that companies always are one step ahead. Upload your photos from last Christmas right away! A lot of photo buyers need images for social media, marketing, newsletters, print (almost everything) before Christmas – and

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What do you want to see more of?

We want to fill this blog with inspiring posts and photos. This place is all about having fun and getting useful advice to bring when participating in a mission or uploading photos to the market.

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Mission “Go your own way” by Mazda

Think of something in your life, that stands up for what it is and not what it should be like. What in your life goes it’s own way? Mazda has a challenge for you where

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Snap photos of sustainable living!

Coop is right now running mission where you should capture photos of sustainable living. They’re in a big need of photos so this is a great opportunity to not only being rewarded, but also to

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If you can’t get a model release

Sometimes a brand want photos of people doing things. It could be people running, having a dinner, cooking food – anything. You want to participate in the mission, but when you’re in the section where

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A cup of coffee

It’s time for you to snap some photos of your cup of coffee! In this mission by Arvid Lindquist you don’t need to do very much to participate. Just snap a photo of your daily

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What is a model release?

A model release is a contract between you and people you photograph. If a person is in a photo, they need to know and agree that you’re going to sell the photo for commercial use.

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