The real business woman

Light backgrounds, super happy people showing amazingly white teeth and perfect smiles, holding a pen or a suitcase. Are we talking about Hollywood? No, we’re talking about business stock photos. You know…Traditional stock photography can be very unnatural and business related images are not an exception. Even Vince Vaughn has become a business stock photo star…

As you probably know, we at Foap believe in “realness”, authenticity and no-fake. Our images are from real people, for real people. Our goal is to help you as a marketer, to boost engagement and conversion through images that feel familiar to your audience and therefore, captivate their attention and increase your revenue. And this regards business images as well. For example, business women, in the real world, work on their laptops and phones from everywhere. Their schedules are filled with activities: family, work, friends, training, shopping, traveling, housework tasks, cultural plans…The real world’s business woman is on Foap.

Check out, for instance, a selection of photos from the “Modern Business Woman” Mission, that finished some days ago in the Foap app. The Mission encouraged Foap users to upload photos of Business Women at work. Compare these images to traditional stock photos around. Do you see the difference?






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