Anna Berthels’ beautiful photo wins the Housekeeping mission

Here is the wonderful photo that won a quite difficult mission.

Now, let’s meet the author – Anna Berthels (@harrisuvi) from Sweden:

Anna, congratulations on winning the mission! You’ve been foaping for already some time. We’re curious to hear how did you find out about Foap and why did you start using it?  

Oh, actually I don’t remember who told me about Foap, but somehow I downloaded the app a couple of years ago and I’ve enjoyed foaping ever since. It’s a great way to share your pictures, and the chance of selling them adds some extra excitement to it.


We’d love to get to know you better. Where are you from, what do you do when you’re not Foaping?

I live in Stockholm, Sweden, with my husband, two kids and two cats. As a freelance copywriter/bike messenger I spend my days partly being creative, partly riding the streets of Stockholm. An odd combination some might say, but I love both my jobs, or should I say jobbys?


The wininng photo is filled up with magic. The light is just amazing, the image is so soft and creates incredible atmosphere. Could you share a story behind it? Who is the little girl in the picture?

Thank you! Actually, it’s not a girl, it’s my son Bobo:) When this picture was taken Bobo was 3 years old and very much into dresses. We spend our summers in the lovely archipelago of Stockholm, and there we have built a small playhouse for the kids. I was lucky to capture a great moment in the beautiful morning light, from outside the playhouse.

You photograph kids a lot. Why is that and what are the biggest challenges with that?

I love to capture my kids playing, having fun, and they both enjoy watching the pictures as they grow older. It’s always tricky to capture movement and energy, but when succeeded the results can be magical.


If you would choose a favorite photo on your portfolio, which one would it be? And why?

If I can only choose one it must be “in i dimman”,  picturing my son Roy riding his bike to pre-school one foggy morning. I love the feeling and the composition of the picture, the symmetry of the soccer goals and that the fog is so dense that you can only see a glimpse of “Kaknästornet”, a famous landmark in Stockholm.


Anna, I must say, it’s really great to know you better!

Love your story and the story behind the photo.

We’re looking forward to more photos from you.

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