Woman's portrait in wind
Hello Foapers! We are very happy to announce that we have partnered with Crowne Plaza and we are launching 3 new Missions with them!
Total rewards of $300! Check the details below and join the Mission in the Foap app.
Mission: Inspiring Moments
This is about capturing authentic moments of business travel, bringing them to life, adding energy, edge and attitude. Keep top of mind our philosophy: ‘We’re all business, mostly’, and capture inspirational moments of our guest’s journey that dials up the “mostly” component to travel. (i.e., working out, enjoying a drink with friends, relaxing at the spa).
Creative direction: Dynamic compositions, vibrant and energizing crops that capture inspiring stories of real people. These images should dial up the edge and attitude of our brand – bringing to life unexpected laugh out loud moments. Celebrate natural lighting (avoid black and white imagery).
Example Photos
Mission: Restore and Rejuvenate
Behind every business person – is a person. Successful business people work really hard to look cool, collected, and professional –but underneath it all – they’re still people. For this mission, we would like you to showcase ways that business travelers can blend work and pleasure in order to have balance in life. Whether its them relaxing or reading, taking a moment to rest and recharge. Keep top of mind our philosophy: ‘We’re all business, mostly’.
Creative direction: Keep it simple; strong compositions. Capture authentic ‘moments’ that tell a story making us smile and relax. Use natural morning or afternoon light (avoid black and white or dark imagery), don’t be afraid to get personal – use-interesting crops that make the viewer feel part of the image.
Example photos
Mission: The Working Professional
We all know the modern business traveler: carrying on with always-busy, ever-important façades—that have become the norm in business today. For this mission, we would like for you to showcase the modern business traveler in a working environment relaxed and approachable. We want to capture a positive view of business travel. Whether it’s capturing them in meetings, on their laptops and phones, or presenting in front of a room. Keep top of mind our philosophy: ‘We’re all business, mostly’.
Creative direction: Keep it simple; capture authentic ‘moments’ that tell an inspiring story. Use natural lighting (avoid black and white or dark imagery), use interesting viewpoints and crops that make the viewer feel part of the image.
Example photos
Don’t know how to join the mission? It’s easy! Download the Foap app for free on the App Store or Google Play.
To get the app follow one of the links below: