Welcome to the Foap Mission Management Panel Tutorial!
This tutorial will help you go through all the steps necessary to source, manage and download user-generated visual content from the Foap platform. If you have any additional questions please contact Foap Creative Production Team.

Foap Mission Management Panel
Signing in
In order to use Foap Management Panel, you will need to Sign in.
- Go to Foap.com
- Click “Sign in” in the top right corner
- Enter the e-mail that you use as the Foap account and the password and click “Sign in”
- Once you are signed in, click on your username in the top right corner
- In menu click the brand name you want to manage
- You are now signed in and are using the Foap platform as a brand.
Managing your Missions, Photos, and Collections
To access all of your existing Missions please click on “Manage Missions” in the brand menu.
The Foap Management Panel consists of three main areas: Missions, Photos, and Collections.
The Panel divides your brand’s Missions into 4 categories:
- Active – Missions that are currently running and are still available for Foap users to join
- Scheduled – Missions that are set to start at a given date in the future
- Finished – Missions that have finished are no longer available for users to join
- Drafts – Missions drafts
Actions in the Mission Panel
Click the “…” Icon to open Mission menu.
- Edit – allows you to edit your Mission: change title, description, cover photo etc.
- Mission Public Page – open the public website of your Mission
Click “Show photos” button to see all the photos uploaded to the Mission


Promoted photos
The photos tab is divided into 4 categories:
- Promoted – displays all photos that were accepted to the Mission by the Foap Curation Team. The photos are organized by date. Promoted photos are all legally checked – the Foap Curation Team secures that the content is original and that all the legal issues are cleared. This means that all photos you see in the Promoted section are ready to be purchased.
- Starred – displays starred photos
- Purchased – displays purchased photos. Those images are ready to be downloaded and used commercially by your brand
- Rewarded – displays rewarded photos
Filtering Photos
Foap Mission Management Panel allows you to filter your photos by:
- Mission name – select one or many Mission names to filter your photos. Start typing the name of your mission in Search area to find it quickly. If you want to see all the Photos from all the Missions click on “Clear” button to remove the Mission filter.
- Advanced filter – click Show Filters to filter photos by Orientation (Landscape, Portrait, Square) or Size (in terms of MegaPixels)

All the photos in the Foap ecosystem have metadata such as titles and keywords. In order to find the content you are looking for, type queries in the search box.
Remember that the search goes only through the filtered results. Therefore if you select e.g. Mission filter and type a search query, you will receive the results that match that query, limited to the Mission you selected in the filter.

Search and filters
Photo Options

Photo options
If you hover the mouse over any photo you will see 4 icons that symbolize actions that can be applied to each photo.
- Add to cart – adds the photo to the cart. This option is available only for the accounts with the full access.
- Download preview – downloads a watermarked medium quality copy of the photo which you can use in your mockups and designs to test the asset before purchase.
- Star photo – mark a photo with a star to mark your favorite content. You can then access all the starred photos in “Starred” tab.
- Add to collection – use this option to create your own shareable collections of images

Preview image with Foap watermark
Single Photo View
To open the Single Photo View click on the photo in the Photos tab.
In this view, you can find data such as photo title, photographer’s username, photo size, file format, photo rating from the community and tags.
You can navigate to next and previous photos by clicking < and > icons or using arrows on your keyboard. To close the view click X or use “ESC” on your keyboard.
All Photo options are available also in the Single Photo View (“Download preview” or “Download” if the photo was purchased, “Star photo”, “add to Collection”).
In order to get a shareable link to the photo clicks the “magnifying glass” icon in the bottom left corner.

Single photo view
Downloading photos
Downloading photos from the Foap platform is super easy!
Go to Photos > Purchased tab. Here you’ll find all the photos licensed from Foap, which means you hold for them a perpetual, worldwide license and you may use the content for any purpose, whether commercial or non-commercial. You can also modify, reproduce, publish, display and sub-license the photos, as well as create derivative works thereof.
You can download your photos either zipped in a bulk (by clicking Download all photos) or individually by clicking the download icon on each photo.

Downloading the purchased photos
Collections are shareable photo albums. To create a Collection you can either select multiple photos and click “Add to Collection” or click “Add to Collection” icon in a single photo.
To Create a new Collection click on Create New Collection button, add a collection name and description.
Once you created a collection you can see it in the Collections tab. To edit collection click on the photos.
To rename it, delete or share it open the Collection Options menu.
If you need help, have some questions about the platform or the content, or want to suggest changes please contact us. We’d love to hear from you!
To reach Foap please either:
- use the onsite chat in the Foap Mission Management Panel (right bottom of the page)
- or drop us a line at missions@foap.com
Enjoy and happy foaping!
the Team